Welcome friends! This journal shares about our life together: a life filled with school, school, and more school, adventures, a spirited little dude, and much love.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Check it out...

My sister in law is super crafty...check out her blog at http://joyeverafter.squarespace.com/.  Today...I'm trying to win the curry sauce :)  Not sure if this will only be noticed by my two followers ;) but hopefully will be seen by others too.  My favorite items in her Etsy shop are the Vintage Plate Clocks: http://www.etsy.com/shop/joyeverafter?page=1.

Friday, August 6, 2010

White Moon


Watched this rock-u-mentary on Showtime...pretty good...loved seeing the different places in Canada they visited and seeing Jack hug Meg when she cried.

My fave of theirs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RB2BvvByUo) has a contender (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiZ68ifob0g).

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My List of 8's

8ish favorite songs
  1. Crimson and Clover-Tommy James and the Shondells...some things don't change, have loved this song since junior high
  2. Happiness is a Warm Gun-Beatles..."when I feel my finger on your trigger..."
  3. Be Here Now-Mason Jennings...here, now is the place, be present
  4. Woman in You-Ben Harper...feels like I'm there singing along
  5. Title Song-Black Crowes...guitar-awesome
  6. Slim Slow Slider, Madame George,I'll Be Your Lover Too, Caravan, Into the Mystic-Van Morrison..impossible to choose just one, he is the namesake for a reason, a very good reason
  7. Hazel, Buckets of Rain, If Not for You (really, can you pick just one)-Bob Dylan...king of folk tells how it is to love someone
  8. Wordless Chorus-My Morning Jacket..."we are the innovators, they are the entertainers..." yes it's true, different music for music's-sake. my favorite part is towards the middle of the song...sing along...wooo, woooaoooo, wooo, who, wa, ah, ey hey hey
8 things I am looking forward to
  1. Finishing the paper I should be writing as I do this instead
  2. Celebrating a wedding with our families
  3. Van going on the potty...consistently
  4. Cheddar-Brats and New Belgium's Mothership Wit for dinner
  5. Getting Van on skis
  6. Unpredictable weather
  7. Shows at Red Rocks
  8. Smiles from my guys
8 things I did yesterday
  1. Adjusted the spider web on our porch again (moved one strand from the bike trailer to the vines)
  2. Played with my puppy/son in the pool
  3. Walked to the park and ate raspberries in the community garden
  4. Helped Van climb every piece of play equipment available
  5. Spoke Spanish with some neighbors...scary, I don't know why
  6. Saw a car jump like they do in music videos
  7. Listened to Van read "Panda Bear, Panda Bear" in his own way
  8. Watched the wind blow through the leaves
8 things I do well
  1. Jukebox DJ-ing
  2. Be a wife
  3. Be a mommy
  4. Be a sister
  5. Be a daughter
  6. Teach
  7. Taste wine
  8. Eat Indian food
8 favorite moments
  1. Dancing with Brett (yes it happens) to Dire Straits at The Buckhorn (yes, it's a romantic place hehe)
  2. Seeing our little turbo love bug for the first time
  3. Seeing Brett be an awesome daddy
  4. Finally making it to Ca-forn
  5. Hearing Van read to uncle Trev on the phone
  6. Our snowy wedding
  7. Being thanked by kids' parents at school in different ways
  8. Being a family on the beach
8 things I hope for
  1. My family to be healthy
  2. My family to be happy
  3. My family to feel loved
  4. Family adventures...the helmet-wearing type
  5. Finishing grad school
  6. Van to ski, not snowboard :)
  7. A sewing machine and instant craftiness
  8. Curbside recycling in Laramie